NEW DELHI, Aug26:Mr. Vishwanath Pratap Singh declared here on Wednesday that the left forces were his natural allies in the issue oriented programme he had ‘outlined, That is why he had made fan attempt to build bridges with them.

‘Addressing a press conference at his residence at Teen Murti Marg, the former defense minister clarified his position as “left of the Centre”. He subscribed to the Nebruvian policies of the Congress and to secularism. He was convinced of the need to fight communal forces and bring the minorities in the national mainstream.

Mr. Singh said he had called a press conference in order to “Putin perspective” the Longterm issues of his campaign which were getting over shadowed by the more immediate controversies.

Though the Bofors and the submarine deals were important be ‘because they related to the defense of the country, the genesis of the problem should not be forgotten: The need to curb the influence of big money in politics.

His campaign was for basic reforms, he said. He called for state funding of elections, and an audit of the accounts of political parties. He wanted greater democratization of the polity and regular elections of political parties and of local bodies which had been “pocketed” by some Chief Ministers. Carrying the idea of democratization further, he had called for Labour participation in management, and for the implementation of land reforms, for parity in prices between what farmers buy and sell, and for the “decentralization of administration and finances to district and block levels.”

The campaign would involve structural changes and therefore went “beyond elections.” However during the recent days he had got the feeling that his campaign projected more as some sort of a “political and personal power game” than a call for reforms.

Mr. Singh was repeatedly questioned on his stand on the BJP. Since he did not have a party there ‘was no question of party to party relationship with the BJP, he said. He was seeking the support of everyone on issues. There need not be an identity of views with everyone, but there could be a meeting point on specific issues.

There was natural attention towards the left parties because of a commonality of approach towards issues like curbing the influence of big money and of monopoly and demanding Labour part inception in management.

Article extracted from this publication >>  September 4, 1987