The cold blooded and calculated hanging/execution of two brave young Sant Sipahis, Bhai Sukhdev Singh Sukha and Bhai Harjinder Singh Jinda, by the fascist Brahmin rulers of the worlds largest “democracy” Castocracy / Thugocracy really has not only made a mockery of the Indian judicial system but the event will go down in history as the point in time when India, as a result of a self-inflicted political wound, became another Yugoslavia. The swastika worshipping Brahmin rulers of fascist India cannot explain away why these two brave sons of Punjab were hanged on a legal technicality (the two refused to sign a mercy petition) when hundreds of Hindu thugs, who organized the 1984 program in which over 10 thousand innocent Sikh men women and children were systematically murdered, strut around on the Indian political stage scot-free. Not one of these thugs has given been charged and some are even serving as ministers in the Indian government.
It is obvious the arrogant, short sighted, idol-worshipping Brahmin rulers of caster ridden India just do not understand, or do not want to understand, Monotheism and the institution of “Shahadat” (Martyrdom) which these two brave souls embraced with such great courage and honor. The two Shaheeds did the Sikh nation proud. As a Muslim brother of the Sikhs, and a supporter of Khalistan, I salute these two Shaheeds (Martyrs) whose memory has now joined that of Sant Bhindranwalla in our psyche.
We will never forget them. No power on earth can stop Khalistan now. The cowardly Nazi rulers of India better take note that their Castrocracy’s, nay Thugocracy’s, days are numbered as a result of their self-inflicted political wounds spurred by arrogance.
“Shaheeds (Martyrs) according to the Holy Quran are not dead. They live in a far higher and deeper sense then in the life they have left.” And say not of those who are slain in the way of God; “they are dead.” Nay they are living though you perceive it not” Sura Baqara 11, section 19 para 154 Holy Quran, The holy Quran goes on to declare that it is the part of the glory of martyrs that they have saved their dear ones fear, sorrow, humiliation and grief in this life and therefore they have no cause lo grieve at the death of the martyrs; rather they have cause to rejoice. “Think not of those who are slain in God’s way as dead. Nay they live finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord. They rejoice in the bounty provided by God: And with regard to those left behind, who have not yet joined them in their bliss, the Martyrs glory in the fact that on them is no fear, nor have they cause to grieve “-Surah Al-i-Imran III Section 17 paras 169 and 170 Holy Quran Khalistan Zindabad.
Sheikh , Kashmir Association.
Article extracted from this publication >> October 23, 1992