NEW YORK Reuter: A poll shows that 62 per cent of respondents would not like to see President Ronald Reagan elected to a third term although nearly two thirds of them approve of his performance in office Newsweek reported.

Reagan’s approval rating in the latest news week poll is a smashing 64 per cent although the same poll shows that 62 per cent oppose a third term for this President and 60 per cent oppose the repeal of the (restrictive) 22nd amendment.

Given such findings Reagans men say it would take nothing short of a national emergency a major war for example to tum public opinion around.

The 22nd amendment restricting the number of presidential terms to two has enacted in 1951 an attempt be vengeful Republicans to strike back at (Democratic) Franklin Rooseveli the only President in US history to be elected to more than two terms it said.

The first President affected by the amendment was Republican Dwight Eisenhower who might have been able to win a second term Newsweek said.

Reagan was repeatedly said he will retire at the end of his term in January 1989 and Newsweek quoted one of his aides as saying his wife was unwilling to share him with the country for more than eight years.

Article extracted from this publication >> September 5, 1986