Dear Editor,

In the coverage, “Congressman ‘Shumway honored,” you failed to mention that approximately forty percent of the Sikhs present at the ‘occasion were women. Your failure to acknowledge the presence ‘of women in any form leaves the reader with an impression that it is strictly a men’s event and women. are not involved.

It is highly inappropriate for any Sikh Organization to overlook the contribution of women during critical times of struggle, the harsh realities which women have to face especially when there is a loss of life, need to be respected and recognized wish there were some women speakers. Women must remain active participants, the ‘Sikh struggle is a family affair and should be justly presented in that manner, “

Overall the event was Well organized, was in good taste and the rural atmosphere added to a pleasant evening, Congratulations | Dr. Gill’s for hosting a success evening.


Article extracted from this publication >>  September 4, 1987