CHANDIGARH India: Army police which is currently looking after the security arrangements for the Army Chie of Staff Gen. K. Sunderji ha: requested Delhi police to take over the responsibility of his security is their hands After the assassination of General Vaidya army police had taken the responsibility for the security arrangements of all those Army Generals who are reportedly on the hit list of the freedom fighters. These Generals continue to receive threatening letters. Pol ice had made elaborate security arrangements for these General after Operation Blue star. For various reasons army police had taken over this duty from the police According to official sources Home Department again discussed the matter of Gen. K. Sunder is security. They have decided that the inner-ring for his security should remain with the army police and general security should be entrusted to the Delhi police. Home Department sources say that army intelligence and arm police have not the network wireless that can instantly flash messages in the event of attack 0 the General.

Meanwhile General Vaidyas widow Mrs. Bhanumati met the Prime Minister along with her daughter and expressed the desire to stay in Delhi instead of Pune. She has already decided to sell the plot and the bungalow allotted to her by the Maharashtra GOVERNMENT.

Article extracted from this publication >> September 26, 1986