Chandigarh — Mrs. Nirlep Kaur, a member of the Shiroman) Gardwara Parbandhak Committee, on Monday called upon the five Sikh high priests not to dabble in politics and instead, attend to their duties as caretakers of various shrines.
“They should refrain from taking up position for which they are neither competent nor elected,” she said at a news conference.
Mrs. Nitlep Kaur said she appreciated the concern of the high priests for the Sikhs but said why they should be oblivious of their primary duties. Without. ‘Naming anybody, the Akali leader said one jathedar had yet to ‘“‘atone” for the ‘“‘false statement’’ he had made from the ‘‘citadel of truth.”
She said before accepting the protection of the Government, the high priests should resign from their posts and let others, who ‘“‘have confidence in the Sangat and the Gurw Sahibs” take up their position.
The Akali Dal, according to her, was competent to tackle the Punjab problem with the help of any political party if it was required.
Article extracted from this publication >> February 22, 1985