CHHANDIGARH, India: The former Punjab Minister Amarinder Singh has accused the Center of fighting with Akal Takht by using Chief Minister Barnala as their stooge. He told newsmen that this was a dangerous move and will not only create more bitterness among the Sikhs but also give an excuse to freedom fighters to justify their fight. This is the first time in 350 years that the Akal Takht authority has been challenged by any Sikh.
Appealing to members of the Ruling Akali Daland others Amarinder Singh also said that preserve peace it is necessary that no Sikh challenges Akal Takht authority. He also asserted that unification of the Akali Dal brought by the Five High Priests was not an intervention into the affairs of the political party. In fact Sujit Singh, himself sought the intervention when there was party split sometime ago, he added.
Article extracted from this publication >> February 20, 1987