NEW DELHI: Efforts for seat adjustments between the Janata Dal and the Samajwadi Janata Party (SJP) in Uttar Pradesh appeared deadlocked Thursday, with the claim of former SJP minister D.P. Yadav, over the Etawah assembly seat threatening to wreck the proposed arrangement for the next month’s by-elections.
Janata Dal sources said party president S.R. Bommai, had summoned the UP unit president Rampujan Patel and leader of opposition in the state assembly Kailash Nath Yadav here Friday to sort out problems regarding the seat adjustment.
Meanwhile, Kailash Nath Yadav, an Ajit Singh loyalist who still claimed he was the Slate unit president, and Yadunath Singh, general secretary, denounced the proposed adjustment and criticized party leader VP Singh.
Article extracted from this publication >> October 25, 1991