Press Release

The elections held on 25th September 1985 in the state of Punjab in India are a farce and the victory a hollow one. The results do not indicate desired degree of confidence in candidates who have been elected. This was more a stage managed show for the free world than the expression of popular will of the people of Punjab. The irony of the election is that people were made to vote under gun point. How can it be a democratic process under such circumstances.

Ever since the election date was declared if anyone opposed Longowal Rajiv pact he was dubbed as a terrorist by the government and in reality thousands of innocent people were put behind bars under false pretenses. To date thousands of Sikh youth are still missing from their homes and the government machinery completely denies any knowledge and simply says that they may have crossed over the border to Pakistan whereas most of them have infect been killed in false encounters by the Indian police.

The only accomplishment of this election so far is that the Sikh community is divided and confused. Now it will be the responsibility of the Akali government in Punjab to do the dirty work of killing unhappy people of Punjab and especially Sikhs.

The World Sikh Organization strongly feels that following is the only workable solution in Punjab: release all Sikh youth arrested during the last three years and drop all charges bring the culprits of Delhi massacre of the Sikhs to the trial in Judicial courts withdraw all army without exception from all over Punjab hold a referendum to ascertain true will of the Sikhs in Punjab may it be Punjab or Khalistan?

Article extracted from this publication >>  October 11, 1985