SAN FRANCISCO, Ca.:Senators John C. Stennis and Thad Cochran have announced the appointment of Davinder’ Singh and Cory Wilson as the Mississippi Delegates to the 1988 United States Senate Youth Program in Washington, D.C.
The State’s high school student delegates were named by Dr. Richard A. Boyd, state superintendent of education.
Davinder is a resident of PasCagoula. She attends Pasacgoula High, where she is serving as student body vice-president. She is a member of the Beta Club, Junior Civitan, IDEAS Club, Mu Alpha Theta, National Honor Society, Foreign Language, PHS Mock Trials Team, and the PHS Math and scent Team.
Davinder was the winner of the American Legion Girls State “I Dare You” Scholarship Award. She enjoys poetry, reading, jogging, and tennis, She does volunteer work at a local hospital.
Davinder wants to become a Cardiologist, specializing in heart transplants and to also do research on art.
Cory resides in Moss Point, where he serves as student body president at Moss Point High. He is a member of the student council, annual staff, Young Republicans Club, and the National Honor Society.
Cory is a National Merit Semifinalist and was 1987 lieutenant governor of the YMCA Youth Legislature. He enjoys politics and letter writing.
Cory plans to attend University of Mississippi and major in prelaw. His ambition is to become a corporate lawyer.
Along with 102 other elected high school student body officers. Two from each state, the Department of Defense Dependents Schools Overseas, these outstanding young leaders will take a weeklong close up look, from Jan. 30 to Feb. 6, into federal government operations and the U.S. Senate in particular.
Each delegate will also be awarded a $2,000 college scholarship to study American government and related subjects. The scholarships and the program, including transportation, hotel, and meals are made possible through grants from the William Randolph Hearst Foundation. No government funds are used.
The operations of the Senate will be particularly stressed during the week, with the students spending time in the offices of their respective senators. In addition, briefings have been arranged with the president, leading cabinet members, a Supreme Court justice, and several key House representatives who will meet with them on the floor of the House of Representative.
Arrangements for the program are being made by the Senate Youth Advisory Committee under the cochairman ship of Senators Terry Sanford, D.N.C., and Pete V. Domenici, RN.M. The other
Committee members are Senators Wendell Ford, DKy., John Kerry, DMass.; Barbara Mikulski, D. Md.; Daniel K. Inouye, DHawai John Heinz, RPa.; John McCain, RArk., Dna Quayle, RInd., and Bob Packwood, R-Ore. Randolph A. Hearst is the foundation committee chairman.
Article extracted from this publication >> January 1, 1988