Deep Appreciation and Heartfelt Thanks To The Sangat Of New York,
Garden State Sikh Association, Gurdwara Bridge Water, Sri Singh Sabha
Glen Rock, New Jersey, Mid-Hudson Sikh Cultural Society, Fishkill, NY,
Singh Sabha New York, Guru Ram Das Ashram, Brooklyn, NY, Sikh Center
Flushing, New York, Ontario Khalsa Darbar, Sikh Dharma, New England
Sikh Study Circle, Boston, Guru Gobind Singh Foundation, Washington,
D.C., Chicago And California, Who Marched Together In The Magnificent
And Colorful Sikh Parade Held On Saturday, April 23, 1988, In New York.
The Sikh Cultural Society, New York Is Also Indebted To Those Dedicated
Workers Who Spent Their Valuable Time In Preparing The Colorful Floats
Including The One Depicting The Golden Temple.
The Sikh Cultural Society Is Especially Grateful To The Dedicated
Workers Of The Sikh Youth Federation, New York, And New Jersey For
Working As Volunteers.
The Society Is Also Grateful To The Afghan Sikh Society For Providing
Langar On The Spot And Nanak Taxi Association, Manhatten For Serving
Soft Drinks To The Marchers.
The Sikh Cultural Society Is Thankful To The Participants For Braving
Heavy Downpour And Chilly Winds And Marching In A Disciplinary Manner
To The End Of The Parade.
The Sikh Cultural Society has decided To Make The Parade As An
Annual Feature With The Co-operation And Collaboration Of The Other
Sikh Organizations Of New York.
95-30 118th Street
Richmond Hill, New York 11419
(718) 846-9144
Article extracted from this publication >> May 13, 1988