SAGRAMENTO, CA: California’s Republican State Senator Cathie Wright adds her name to the even growing list of state and national legislatures who have voiced their concerns over the human rights violations perpetrated against the minorities including the Sikhs of India’s disputed states of Punjab and Kashmir.
SJR 28 as introduced by Senator Wright concerns Human Rights violations. This measure would request the President and the Congress of the United States to sanction as appropriate the government of India until that government addresses human rights problem’s concerning Sikh and Muslim citizens of Kashmir and Punjab
Senator Wright from the 19th distirct offered to carry this resolution another legislator who had been chosen for a judgeship. When he told Senator Wright about his concerns and his proposed resolution she graciously offered to propose the legislation under her name
Senator Wright’s reputation as a hardworking tough and thoroughly experienced legislator earned her a key role in the Assembly Republican leadership she was the first woman to serve as the Vice-Chair of the Assembly Committee on Ways and Means
Senator Wright began her elected public service career in 1978 as a member of the City Council in Simi Valley where she served as Mayor in 1979
A proven fighter for taxpayers Senator Wright was an early and Strong supporter of Proposition 13. Since her election to the Legislature Senator Wright has continued her battle against wasteful Spending by opposing countless WW increase measures.
Senator Wright’s work has been recognized through the more than awards and commendations which have been presented to her introduced by Senator Wright.
Senate Joint Resolution No. 28-Relative to human rights violations Legislative Counsel’s Digest SIR 28 states: Numerous acts of inline and harassment have been Perpetrated against Sikhs and Muslims by the government of India Dozens of prisoners being held in Indian prisons especially 1n the Punjab have died in police Custody after being tortured and India’s security forces in Kashmir have killed hundreds and beaten thousands of Sikh and Muslim citizens. The majority of the Sikh and Muslim people still support a Peaceful resolution of the difficulties in the Punjab and Kashmir. Despite the fact that these serious abuses perpetrated by Indian security forces in the States of Punjab and Kashmir are widely acknowledged the government of India has denied international human rights groups access to the troubled areas. This resolution was introduced in part thanks to the efforts of loyal Sikh community leaders and WSO president Sardar Didar Singh Bains of Yuba City California. Although the resolution did not pass the floor vote as yet the senator’s office stated that they were sure that after minor language changes the assembly would pass the resolution Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and Assembly of the state of California jointly That the Legislature of the State of California respectfully ask the President and the Congress of the United States to take appropriate sanctions against the government of India until the Indian government addresses the country’s human rights problems; and be it further Resolved that the Secretary of the Senate transmit couples of this resolution to the President and Vice President of the United States 10 the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives and to each Senator and Representative from California in the Congress of the United States.

Article extracted from this publication >> March 4, 1994