NEW DELHI: Former Communications Minister Sukh Ram, was formally arrested last week in the second case against him relating to seizure of over Rs 4 crore in cash and other valuables from his residences, which were allegedly disproportionate to his known sources of income. Special Judge Ajit Bharihoke, who went to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) where Mr. Sukh Ram is admitted, remanded the accused to CBI custody till September 23.
Earlier, CBI counsel O.P, Verma submitted to the court that Mr. Sukh Ram could not be produced because he was under medical observation and various medical tests were being conducted by the doctors of AIMS. On the submission of the CBI, the judge decided to go to the hospital to conduct the proceedings. Mr. Sukh Ram was arrested by the CBI at the Indira Gandhi International Airport on Monday on his arrival from London in the “telecom scam case, in which he was also remanded to CBI custody till September 23.
Article extracted from this publication >> September 25, 1996