Coventry Sikhs have taken their campaign for an independent homeland to Downing Street. A five strong delegation handed a notice calling for Sikh rights to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s advisers yesterday. It is part of a campaign to persuade international leaders to recognise Khalistan, declared by thousands of Sikhs as their own state in 1985.
The notice has been sent to around 200 prominent people throughout the world, including Ronald Reagan.
The Indian state of Punjab, home to millions of Sikhs, lies at the heart of the independence drive.
Jagdish Singh Dhillon, one of three Sikhs from Coventry joining the delegation, said: “We are asking every Government for political recognition for the Sikhs’ right to a homeland.
“It’s a long campaign but we’re very much committed to it.
“Five is a traditional Sikh number, which is why five of us went to Downing Street as representatives.”

Article extracted from this publication >> September 30, 1988