CITY OF YUBA CITY Chairman, President & Members Sikh Temple Committee 2468 Tierra Buena Road Yuba City, CA, 95991
‘On behalf of the City Council and residents of the City of Yuba City, I would like to thank the local Sikh community for the donation of the large American flag.
With the centennial celebration of the Statue of Liberty just recently past, the presentation of this beautiful flag was a most fitting and appropriate timing for your gift to Yuba City. During the 100 years of standing in New York Harbor, the Statue of Liberty has greeted many an immigrant who has come to this country with special dreams and hopes for his or her future and those of their children. Though today’s immigrants enter the United States through most large cities, the Statue of Liberty is still the symbol of that new and unbounding hope and the freedom which is “America”. During the 75 years or so that the Sikh population has been a part of the Yuba Sutter area, you have established yourselves as an important economic and cultural influence on the development of our region. We are most fortunate to have the members of the Sikh community as “Americans” and residents of Yuba City.
I was particularly impressed by the way the American flag was raised on the Fourth of July on the Plumas Street flagpole. An Honor Guard from the local Veterans ‘of Foreign Wars Post and an Honor Guard from the Sikh community participated in the raising of the flag. Two cultures and two histories coming together in a com Mon effort. This is extremely commendable and can only strengthen our community. 1 was very impressed Thank you again for the pre: sensation of the large American flag, and please convey my appreciation to all the members of the Sikh community for their most generous gift to the City of Yuba City.
Sincerely, Ronald Southard Mayor.
Article extracted from this publication >> September 25, 1987