On Oct. 13,1 visited “Nanakana Sahib” for few hours in the evening. Our first stop was a visit to Gurdwara “Sachha Sauda” a few miles away, which opened just last year. The new beautiful 6ft high wall with simple elegant front gate was finished by Govt of Pakistan. But when you enter the Darshni Deodhi you could see the sorry shape of building and structure; stairs, floors and wall plaster is crumbling, the beautiful columnar shaped stair railings are missing or crumbling. Whereas, one devoted Sikh spent more than 1 crore (10 million) rupees to build a new Langer hall (100 ftx 100 ft approx) of marble and glass to be used for few days of the year and Travel Lodge for foreign Sikhs the existing Saran for Sikhs from Khalistan and Indian subcontinent is in ruins. Approximately 7 p.m. We climbed dark steep stairs to second floor of adjoining building to Pay our homage to Guru Granth Sahib at Gurdwara “Pat Sahib” (Patti “wooden board to write on”’), The main building is under repair, although the Pakistan govt. is more interested now in minority Religious affairs and welfare the local authorities as usual are playing Bames and disrespect to Sikh sentiments whereas Pakistan’s people have respect and love for us. With caution, frequent and all year around visits by Sikhs from all over the world will help to case this uneasiness and better the understanding.

When we reached second floor to my amazement 6070 children were reciting “the Path” and then started Shabad Kiran, only few adults were there. It was unique experience it felt like on a Pacific Atoll with fresh young coconut siblings. Among the young siblings in once fertile land of Guru Nanak (an Island of Sikhs; a reminder of lost Auantic continent) sibling of Sikh transplanted and uprooted by the Afghan war from the “frontier” the adults are struggling to settle for the last four years; few have well settled and others are still struggling.  How can we help you?” We asked, their short answer was help US to help build our life do not make us beggars or dependents of you.”

How? ‘Help us to educate our siblings to provide college/professional education for all boys and girls, Provide education material, college, scholarship/support and modem education to meet our country’s need and world challenges, Immediately some of us will be shivering in cold; a few dollars to buy simple warm clothes locally; will keep us warm without creating class of haves and have notes.

Spend much more on preserving and repairing the historic old, little, crowded Gurdwara buildings. Do not pour in millions to build huge expensive buildings to be used by few for few days.

Why not arrange/establish Sikh media using shortwave, T.V. network and airlines; this is what I thought.

I put in my meager contribution for the Sikh sibling’s education on the spot.

One hour in that little, poorly lighted Gurdwara room in the presence of the Adi Granth Sahib was life time experience to remember, Jagjit Singh Boparai.

Article extracted from this publication >>  October 21, 1994