SAN JOSE,CA: On April 18,93, the children of Khalsa School, San Jose, had a cultural program to celebrate Vaisakhi. The children presented a program of Kirtan, Speeches and poems related to the occasion. The program began by singing of Shabads “Deh Shiva Bar Mohe Eh Hai. and “Khalsa Mero Roop Hai Khaas.” Nearly 70 children participated in this. They were led by Vandana Bhatia, Deepa Sahniand Ranjecta Singh. After this Amandeep K.Singh ex planned to Saadh sangat the importance of the events held in Anandpur Sahib nearly 300 years ago. SunitGrewal explained mean ings of the Shabad “Deh Shiva Bar Mohe Eh Hat” and Tejinder Singh spoke on the importance of five Kakars. At the end Sangat was delighted by two poems read in Punjabi by Virpaul Sidhu and Mohan Preet Singh.

Another Vaisakhi celebration was held on May 1.1993, at the Saratoga Community Center. Nearly 60 children from various age groups participated in Bhangra and Gidha , Children younger than eight presented a fast paced dance to the tune of the song “Rail Gaddi Ayee.” The preleen agers presented a delightful dance to the beat of a popular song; “Tootak Tootak Tootiyan.” The teenagers had the whole audience on its feet with their Bhangra item “Punjabi Munde paon Bhangra.” Children watched with keen interest” Kurhi da Viah” a dance drama presented by the ladies, Finale for the program was Bhangra by the group of Laal Bhatti and children enjoyed dancing to the beat of a real Punjabi Bhangra Dhol.

The credit to the success of these Cultural programs goes to the parents who enthusiastically volunteer their time for teaching the children about the Sikh religion and culture and motivate them to participate in the cultural events, Developing kinship and a sense of identity.


Article extracted from this publication >>  June 11, 1993