Mr.: Ajit Singh Sahota, Secretary W.S.0. (Canada), the Ottawa Chapter has addressed a letter to Hon, Edward Broadbent, and MP, which is reproduced as below: Hon. Edward Broadbent Room 629C Parliament Building Ottawa, Ontario

Dear Honorable Sir: Tam a member and a staunch supporter of N.D.P. and live in the city of Nepean. Through a friend of mine, I came to know that some government of India stooges are going to hold “India Day” celebrations on Parliament Hill on January 26, 1988, It has been further learned that Mr. Cassidy of the NDP will be taking part in these celebrations and is helping the group to arrange for the room on Parliament Hill.

Asa Canadian Sikh, as I understand that we should promote racial harmony, cultural aware ness and religious tolerance among our people who are part of our multicultural Canada.

It is very unfortunate when our elected representives start promoting the “Day” of a country where very serious human rights violations are being committed. For the past four years, hundreds of Sikh children, women, and men have been tortured, mutilated, raped and killed by the paramilitary and police forces of this cruel regime. If you require the names of the people (thousands of them) 1 would be very glad to give those names and support that with the newspaper reports. A gross injustice and genocide of the Sikhs is taking place and our Members of Parliament ‘are trying their best to be blind to the whole situation and helping celebrate India Days on the Parliament Hill, If this is allowed to happen on the Parliament Hill, can you please invite the Sikhs of Canada, so they can participate in your celebrations, wearing black clothes with candle lights in memory of thousands of innocent Sikhs in Punjab and India.

We the Sikhs of Canada pray that his government stop terrorizing Sikhs and stop helping the terrorist government of Rajiv Gandhi.

Are we going to celebrate “Russia Day” or “Africa Days” in the Hill in future?

Ajit Singh Sahota ‘Nepean, Ontario.

Article extracted from this publication >>  December 11, 1987