NEW DELHI, India, Dec. 4, Reuter: A USS. Senate Subcommittee’s recommendations on nuclear nonproliferation appear to give Pakistan an excuse to continue its nuclear Weapons program, an Indian spokesman said on Friday.

The foreign office spokesman, asked to comment on the sub ‘committee’s recommendation that the United States treat India and Pakistan equally in deciding whether to cut US. Aid over their nuclear programs, said:

“(It is) based on the untenable premise of equating India’s open and peaceful program with Pakistan’s covert effort to acquire nuclear capability”,

He said the substance and focus of the recommendation was totally misplaced and the Indian Ambassador to the United States had been asked to take up the matter With U’S. Officials in Washington, The subcommittee voted on Tuesday to treat India and Pakistan alike. ‘The measure would make US. aid and exports licenses to both countries subject to six-monthly Certifications from President Reagan that India was not stockpiling plutonium or Pakistan enriching uranium to weapons grade,

‘The recommendation was sent to the full committee,

India, maintaining that its program was geared to peaceful uses, exploded a nuclear device in 1974 and Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi has said he has no intention of producing nuclear weapons unless forced to do so.

India has refused to sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty, calling it as unequal and discriminatory, and has declined to bring its nuclear facilities under international safeguards.

“Basically what we are saying i that if you have a problem with Pakistan then don’t drag us in’, the spokesman said,

He would how bill affect Indo US. Relations if was finally passed and signed by President Reagan.



Article extracted from this publication >>  December 11, 1987