NEWARK, N.J.: A seminar on Gurbani Adhyayan featuring prominent scholars on Sikhism including Giani Gurdip Singh, Head Granthi of the Richmond Hill, N.Y. Gurdwara, Dr. Mohinder Kaur Gill, Principal Mata Sundari College, New Delhi, Gurinder Singh Mann, a Ph.D. Scholar at Columbia University, N.Y. and Manohar Singh Marco, scholar in Punjabi, was held on May 21 at the Holiday Inn.
Dr. Gill spoke on Rag Parbandh or arrangement of ragas and gave the relationship of the ragas within the Guru Granth Sahib. Her talk on Rahoo Parband was well researched and evoked a good response from the audience. She also spoke on Punjabi folk idlium as represented in the Guru Granth Sahib.
Earlier, Dr. Satwant Kaur Dhamoon, President of Sikh Women International Organization which had organized the seminar in her welcome address stressed on the need to act collectively and join the organization.
Giani Gurdip Singh gave a scholarly discourse on Adhyatamwad in the Adi Granth in which he discussed Sikh metaphysics as it is to be seen in the Guru Granth Sahib. He also actively participated in discussions with other speakers in which his knowledge of various facets of Sikhism was illuminating.
Manohar Singh Marco spoke on Rachna Parbandh. He spoke of various manuscripts of the Adi Dr. LJ. Singh of the New York Granth, on where the important University and Dr. Ranjit Kaur ones are located and the means of Grover, Director Genetic Screen examining their authority.
Gurinder Singh spoke on “The History of Adi Granth” and concepts of Guru Granth and Guru Panth.
Dr. Singh of the New York University and Dr. Ranjit Kaur Grover Director Genetic Screening Program, New York were the moderators of the seminar which was especially notable for the lively, frank and spiritual discussion.
Article extracted from this publication >> June 3, 1988