MILPITAS, CA: S.Guriev Singh Sandhu and Mohini Kaur Sandhu celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary on Memorial Day by haying Akand Path at their residence. After the Bhog ceremony, Bhai Jagjit Singh, head priest of Fremont Sikh Temple, performed the kirtan and Guru Ka Langer was served. A large number of family & friends were presenting on this happy occasion lo congratulate the Sandhu family. Gurdev S.Sandhu a former student of Guru Nanak Engineering College Ludhiana, is an Alumnai of San Jose State University and works with Kaiser Electronics of San Jose Sandhus. He donated $ 100 to WSN. In the photo are: S. Gurdev S. Sandhu and Mohni K. Sandhu with their three children, Loveleen, Smiley and Amritpal. Standing behind is S. Bhagat Singh Mahal, father of Mrs. Mohini.

Article extracted from this publication >> June 5, 1992