In honor of his 80th Birthday (March 27, 1994) and as a mark of respect for his committed leadership of the Sikh movement for the last decade World Sikh News is printing some of the thoughts of Dr. Solan Singh ““Babaji P.C.” for the edification of our readers.

Dr. Singh intended these notes for a paper to be presented at the World Parliament of Religions held in Chicago last year. Unfortunately, his paper was unable to be introduced.

Therefore, we offer his notes on Religious Sanctions of Khalistan. It is pertinent to note that his actions and thinking it’s based on our religious texts and are his strength and inspiration cause from the rich divine heritage of our great Guru comes “Guru Granth Sahib.” We will print more on “Khalistan Declaration Day.”

Amrit Kaur Boparai (Khalistan Tand Tanian te Mein”)

 The Adi Granth has it that God created the good earth as the abode of Godly men/ women engaged in good deeds and pursuit of high ideals.

 Further, the earth was beset with Baset elements with hand procbivition and, those in no power rode rough shed over the less fortunate, thus creating strife.

 According to an old adage, I pushed to the wall, the good people among the Gods creation resolved to defend themselves and their ideals. Thus, there was “war.

” Sincere, simple and modest living brought humiliation.

Some among the above were sinners. AILT demanded was mv minimum deeds.

Oh, God! If I have to wart on others for my daily, minimum needs, death is preferable to such a life.

 “Life-under alien rule entails selling my conscience and destruction, of my faith religion? I therefore decided to revolt, and thus!

 Declared to fight for freedom (Khalistan, April 29, 1986 A.D.), The Khalsa Panth daily prays in their twice daily Sikh congregation: Raj Karega Khalsa. This prayer assumes a levee connotation with the above declaration of Khalistan. The Sikhs are motivated to fight and die for their independence (victory) and establishment of Khalistan.

Sri Guru Gobind Singh’s epistle of victory says all thus having failed, it is right to put your hand to the sword in a righteous cause.

Once the war drums have sounded, the battle is joined and battle-spirited Sikhs respond en battle cry Sikh fighters know how to die fighting to achieve victory.

 Those Sikhs who are thus initiated and inspired by the love of the divine achieve perpetual high moral (Chardi-Kala). They know that the God demands their “head” as the price and immortality is their reward.

 Sikh freedom fighters know that the 10th Guru had created the Khalsa for punishing the guilty: killing the evil; overcoming difficulties.

 The Tenth Guru has ordained his Sikhs not to allow ` year sentiments’ to creep in and, they should be steeled to win.

Article extracted from this publication >> April 29, 1994