NEW DELHE: The Delhi Pradesh Janata Dal held a dharma outside the Home Minister. Buta Singh’s residence demanding his resignation for the failure of the Central government to solve the Punjab crisis.
Later addressing a press conference Viresh Pratap Choudhary, president of Delhi Janata Dal said that the Rajiv Government was neither sincere nor capable of solving the Punjab crisis.
Withdrawing the Army and para military forces from the state and restoring a democratically elected Government responsive to the aspirations of the people was the only solution.
He demanded the holding of a round tale conference on Punjab with representatives of all political parties and organizations involved in the Punjab issue. Instead of pursuing the politics of confrontations it was time the Centre adopted politics of consensus in the national interest, Choudhary said.
At his press conference, the Delhi Janata Dal president also condemned the Government for adopting a very rigid stand regarding the demands of the striking junior doctors which has resulted in the breakdown of the health service in the Capital. The Government he said must respond to their demand through proper and serious dialogue.
Doctors, he pointed out, formed members of a responsible progression and the Government should not adopt a policy of confrontation with them. At the same time he appealed to the junior doctors to remember that what was involved was just not their emoluments but the health service to the people.
Article extracted from this publication >> July 7, 1989