My Dear S. Darshan Singh Ji,  

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

I received your letter last week. After going through it I cannot say how much I was impressed by your courage, tenacity and faith in Satguru. Please keep up with your current ideas and ideals and I am sure ‘you could do lot of good work for our community which, I think, is currently going through a crisis and ‘because of work of enlightened leadership does not know where to go from this crossroads.

You letter has given me a lot of good for thought and posed an extremely important question, I have “discussed with some of my friends and we plan to take up the question of a Sikh preacher for the Sikh prisoners and the delivery of audio (or video) tapes through a Gurdwara, with the state government. The ‘second question, trying to convince Sikh families to ‘adopt’ a prisoner is more difficult to answer and may take some time. Although I have and will keep on talking to any and all appropriate people. I think “one needs to educate our masses on this and for that a publicity organ (a newspaper, magazine etc.) is petal Have you written to the World Sikh News about this problem?

Anyway I will keep trying and sec. if and when I can get some success against this spin against our existing social current.

In the meantime may Satguru bless you with more courage and give to patience and perseverance to stay on the path you are currently treading.

Sincerely yours,

Hakam Singh,

Sikh Welfare Foundation of NA

Article extracted from this publication >> August 19, 1994