Journalist: Mr. Ambassador, Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi had rejected the demand for judicial inquiry into the holocaust against Sikhs on the grounds that it would only harm the Sikhs more. Now he has indicated, perhaps under mounting pressure from all quarters, that the question of ordering judicial enquiry may be reconsidered.

Ambassador: That’s right,

Journalist: He has also hinted that the scope of the enquiry may be widened to cover cases of violence in Punjab ever since the Dharam Yudh Morcha was launched by the Akalis.

Ambassador: Very correct.

Journalist: Don’t you think that an objective enquiry would prove harmful both for him and his party as it is sure to expose the black deeds of Zail Singh, Darbara Singh and perhaps of his own mother in engineering an atmosphere of violence in Punjab? Don’t you think Rajiv would take such a step only if he were sure of manipulating the judiciary?

Ambassador: Not in national interest to disclose.

+                                  +                                                         +

Journalist: Mr. Ambassador, a totalitarian state is one in which only one party has an absolute control and power.

Ambassador: That’s right.

Journalist: Democracy and totalitarianism in theory and approach stand diagonally opposed to each other.

Ambassador: Very correct.

Journalist: Don’t you think that Rajiv Gandhi’s relentless crusade to establish one party rule all over India is symptomatic of his totalitarian tendencies? Don’t you think that the concept of one party rule is a Russian gift to the New Prime Minister?

Ambassador: Not in national interest to disclose.

+                                  +                                                         +

Journalist: Mr. Ambassador, Rajiv Gandhi has welcomed the Pakistan’s decision to put Sikh hijackers to trial and called it a positive step towards better ties with India.

Ambassador: That’s right.

Journalist: Rajiv Gandhi has also said that India cannot develop comfortable relations with Pakistan so long as Pakistan insists on becoming a nuclear power.

Ambassador: Very correct.

Journalist: Don’t you think that after punishing Sikh hijackers Pakistan will have to abandon its nu

clear program and accept Soviet conditions regarding Afghan refugees if she wants to please India?

Ambassador: Not in national interest to disclose.

Article extracted from this publication >> March 22, 1985