WASHINGTON: April 19, Nina Hudson has been appointed the executive Secretary of the World Sikh Organization and will function from the WSO building at 114 Third Street, S.E. Washington DC.

In a press release, the WSO stated that Mrs.Hudson has 26 years’ experience working on Capitol Hill. She was till recently secretary to the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Honorable Dante B. Fascell. Some of the other members she has worked for were Congressman Robert T. Matsui of Sacramento, California, a member of House Ways and Means Committee, and Leon Panetta who is now the Director of the office of Management and Budget, a part of President Clinton’s Administration.

With her many years of diverse experience and the wide range of contacts as well as her knowledge of US Government, she should prove a valuable asset to the World Sikh Organization.

The President of WSO, S.Gurcharan Singh Dhillon welcomed Nina Hudson to the organization and expressed confidence in abilities of Mrs.Hudson.

Article extracted from this publication >>  April 30, 1993