Dear Editor, Re: Rampant discrimination being practiced by Indian govt. controlled businesses or agencies A quick look at the columns of India Abroad (e.g. 4 events in the month of October 1994 alone: Gandhi Jayanti, Diwali, India Chair, Navratri) will reveal that there primary sponsors were Indian government owned businesses (e.g. Air India, State Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, Bank of India).

It is to be noted carefully from their past trends that these agencies will only sponsor Hindu festivals e.g. Diwali, India Day Parade, Navratri, India Chair at various Universities were only Hindi or Hindu religion will be taught, Indian consulate offices were only Hindi will be spoken and free Hindi classes will be given, Gandhi anniversary promoted by Bhartiya Vidyha Bhawan which promotes only Hindi, Hinduism and Hindu festivals, IA foundation for political awareness which only promotes the Hindu cause in Washington or in its papers.

Educated minorities from other Indian religions should take exception to this trend and boycotter take their business elsewhere since these agencies have been practicing rampant discrimination when it comes to promoting non Hindu festivals, newspapers, television programs etc. It clearly proves that these agencies welcome their dollars when it comes time to solicit their business but they want no part to fit when it comes to promoting events which are competing with Hindi, Hinduism or Hindustan. I have not seen any of these government_ owned agencies once during the last 20 years sponsor any of the Sikh festivals like Gurpurbs (birth anniversaries of Guru Nanak of Guru Gobind), Vaisakhi or Sikh Day paraded, Punjabi Mela or Punjabi music concerts, Sikh newspapers like World Sikh News, Sikh television programs etc. I am sure the other Indian minority religions have also had similar experiences.

So before Hindus complain of experiencing discrimination at the hands of whites or their employers they should search their own souls and see what they have been doing to their own people over whom they have been subjugating. Harbir Singh Paramus, NJ.

Article extracted from this publication >>  November 11, 1994