An excellent opportunity for 100 young Sikh women and men from all over the world.
Inspired by the grand success of our 18th camp in Salinas, Monterey, this year, the Inter- national Institute of Gurmat Studies (Inc.) is pleased to announce its 19th SIKH INTERNA- TIONAL YOUTH CAMP USA from Saturday, Dec. 21 to Jan. 1, 1986 at Yuba City, California. This Camp Through this second camp in the US, IGS plans to reach out to another 100 young Sikh girls and boys and provide them an opportunity to learn how to live according to the teachings of the Gurus. Sikh Fundamentals Beginning with an expose on the fundamental tenets of the faith, the camp curriculum will cover the history of the Sikh religion, an acquaintance with the scriptures and the Socio-cultural aspect of the Sikh way of life. Workshops Besides, the camp will provide avenues for the young Sikhs to develop group consciousness, self-discipline, leadership qualities and the art of public speaking.
Practical workshops will include classes in ‘Shabad Kirtan’, Gurmukhi’ and Turban-tying. Fun and Games Morning walk-and-run sessions, outdoor games, trekking, a picnic, and a campfire will add to the enjoyment of the camp experience. Camp Accommodation Separate dormitories for girls and boys, hot and cold running water, proper rest rooms and showers, open and sunny surroundings, full time medical care. |
Trained Counselors Trained lady and gentlemen counselors will look to the needs and comfort of the campers. Camp Memento On the last day of the camp, each camper will be presented with an attractive personal camp memento and a certificate of participation. CAMP FEES: US $150.00 per child. It includes board, lodging and tuition. All Checks must be made payable to The IIGS 19th Camp Account. ELIGIBILITY: Those of the young Sikh girls and boys who are desirous of learning the Sikh way of life and are between the age of 11 to 18 are welcome to join. Lack of knowledge of Gurbani or Gurmukhi is no restriction. SELECTION: The number of seats being limited to 100, applications will be considered on a first come, first serve basis. The camp management reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason. Selected applicants will be sent complete joining instructions by Dec. 15, 1985. In case of an application not gaining acceptance, the camp fee will be refunded in full. DEADLINE: The camp registration form duly completed along with a check for the full amount and a recent photo of the applicant must reach the Camp Director’s office no later than Dec. 10, 1985. All cash payments must be sent by Registered post. WAHEGURU JI KA KHALSA WAHEGURU JI KI FATEH |
Hurry up young Khalsas!
Avail yourself of this unique opportunity that will make a difference in your life.
Article extracted from this publication >> November 29, 1985