BOMBAY(PTI):A state-wide general closure called by Hindu’s Protesting against the renaming of the Marathwada University after the author of Indian constitution Dr.Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar evoked mixed response with sporadic violence reported from Marathwada region.
The Rightwing Shiv Sena (Brigade of Shivaji a medieval hero who hailed from Marathwada) considers the January 14 decision of the state government as an affront to the Maratha pride Dr.Ambedkar hailed from the backward class.
Senior Shiv Sena leaders Manohar Joshi and Dattaji Salvi along with nearly 300 party activists were arrested while trying to ‘Stage a rail blockade at Dadar in central Bombay
Article extracted from this publication >> January 28, 1994