Amritsar — Jathedar Takht Keshgarh Sahib, Harcharan Singh Mahallon, one of the Sikh high priests, says the police have been trailing him for the last three months and that he will protest against this to the Punjab Governor, Mr. Arjun Singh.
Mr. Mahallon told newsmen here on Sunday that a police escort jeep keeps following him, creating ‘‘lot of problems for me.”
The police have been trailing him since January 16, the day Akal Takht chief Kirpal Singh was attacked.
“The Government has been watching my activities through the policemen.”” Mr. Mahallon charges. ‘‘They have been taping my speeches and noting down the names of persons who call on me.”
On Sunday, Mr. Mahallon strongly objected to some official armed security guards in plain clothes following his car up to his place of stay near Gurdwara Manji Sahib in the GoldenTemple complex.
Article extracted from this publication >> May 17, 1985