Dear Editor:


The past history of Sikhs can give us very useful lessons and pointers for guidance in the present situation.

As per the History of the Punjab by Kundra and Bawa, the main factors for the rise of Sikhs up to the time of Ranjit Singh and downfall after him can be summarized as follows:

Factors for Their Rise:

  1. The Sikhs were fully inspired by the RELIGIOUS FERVOR They considered it their sacred duty to fight injustice.
  2. There was NO DEARTH OF WARRIORS among the Sikhs. Every Sikh was a brave soldier.
  3. They had A GREAT SENSE ‘OF UNITY. When the Sikh Chiefs would meet at Amritsar on the occasion of Diwali and Baisakhi, they would choose the leader of the Dal Khalsa. All the Sikh Chiefs thought it to be their religious duty to work under that leader.
  4. The way in which the institution of the GURMATA solved the mutual differences of the various Sikh Chiefs gave them an extra strength. The Marathas ruined themselves because of their mutual jealousies and differences while the GURMATA saved the Sikhs from the same fate.

Article extracted from this publication >> October 24, 1986