Dear Editor:

World Sikh News is doing a wonderful job. Every Sikh is proud of it. I send my heartiest congratulations to its whole management and staff for a successful team work.

Please try to maintain its unbiased journalism in the future as well. No matter what, it should never be influenced by any individual or any individual institution for its rested interests or against any other individual or institution unless the United Panthic voice demands it.

I think it is the duty of the World Sikh News to make youth or youth organizations aware of the importance of participating more actively and in true sense in each Gurdwaras decision making process, this would accomplish many things.

  1. All Sikh projects (WSN, WSO, Khalistan Council, and Sikh Studies in USS. Universities, SBN and other Panthic activities etc.) Will get more support, both moral and financial.
  2. It will produce more trained young and competent Panthic leaders.
  3. More and more Sikh families will become religious minded, etc.

Thanks again for your Panthic service.

Bhajan Mundi, ASA, MAAA New Hyde Park, NY

Article extracted from this publication >> May 20, 1988