The Sikh Community is very disappointed with the decision rendered by the members of the Royal Canadian Legion today The Legion Command and its executives were as hopeful as the Sikh community that the allowing of religious articles of faith into Legion canteens would be nationally accepted.

Over the last few years Human Rights cases over the wearing of religious articles of faith were brought before adjudicators and decisions consistently supported the illegality of discrimination on the basis of religion. The Legion Command shared this perspective and initiated a by-law to alleviate any further dissention. Unfortunately their efforts to unify the Legion towards fairness and equality have failed and once more visible minorities who are members of the Legion will be forced to pursue their rights through political and judicial methods. The proactive and positive reforms initiated by the Legion leadership have been resoundingly rejected much to the disappointment of many Legion members and the Sikh community.

Though the Sikh community originally considered the contention over the wearing of religious articles of faith in a Legion hall to be based on lack of education it is now clear that the efforts of many federal programs aimed at educating Canadians on religious diversity have failed in building awareness and fostering cooperation and acceptance in Canada

The Sikh community will be encouraging debate regarding future action with the Royal Canadian Legion at our Annual International Convention which will be held in Toronto on June 45 1994 and our Annual Parliamentary Dinner on June 6 1994. Options to pursue this issue in political judicial or public for a clear that members of the Jewish and Sikh faith cannot be denied their rights to participate in all aspects of Canadian society on the basis of their religion.

Perhaps now the biases evident in this decision will encourage the Canadian government to commit themselves to ensuring the basic human rights of all Canadians and in developing true acceptance of this diverse nation.

For further info please call; Ms. Ann Lothian WSO Head Office (613) 723-2026/ (613) 523-8490.

Article extracted from this publication >> June 3, 1994