KUWAIT CITY (PTI): The Kuwaitis Oct.6 voted for a change as the opposition impressively won a majority of 50 national assembly seals, sending a clear message to the Ruling Al-Sabah family that it could no longer curb freedom and ignore democratic reforms in the oil Sheikhdom.

A jubilant opposition savored the victory in the first post-gulf war elections which could prove to be a significant step towards fundamental changes in the whole gulf region presently ruled by the Amirs,

Indications are that a loose alliance of opposition groups and its supporters will muster a tally of 30 in the assembly. This majority may not be translated into reality as the crown prince will continue to be the prime minister.

The crown prince is expected to induct 10 to 12 cabinet ministers from outside the national assembly. They will enjoy voting rights in the national assembly, nullifying the majority gained by the Opposition groups,

The impressive showing by a splintered opposition came as a surprise lo pro-government candidates. A turn-out of over 80% seemed to have tilted the verdict in its favor.

Article extracted from this publication >> October 16, 1992