CHANDIGARH: The Punjab Director General of Police KP.S. Gill is writing a dissertation on how to fight militancy which he would prefer to call “terrorism.”

Gill said on May 22 that he had submitted a thesis to the government in 1984 0n methods to combat militancy but it was not given heed to. “It appears the government now is inclined to accept my views and I am formulating them again” he said.

The DGP who organized a display of sophisticated weapons seized from militants said” he would make public his views on militancy after submitting them to the government.

The weapons were inspected by the chief minister and the members of his Council of Ministers. The display also included explosive devices and communication gadgets.

The latest sniper rifles rocket launchers folding sten guns. Is real Uzi sub-machine guns and electronic remote control devices were also parts of the exhibits.

Article extracted from this publication >> June 5, 1992