ISLAMABAD, March 22, (Reuter): Afghanistan introduced’ a law today restoring property to returning exiles as part of its drive for national reconciliation.

Exiles who left Afghanistan before January 15 will get back their “movable and immovable property” on return under a decree issued by the revolutionary council, the official Kabul radio said.

January 15 was the date the Soviet backed Kabul government ordered a unilateral ceasefire in the eight year old war against Western backed guerrillas in a move to initiate peace talks and propose the formation of a coalition government.

But the guerrillas have rejected the offer and vowed to continue fighting until all Soviet troops are withdrawn from Afghanistan and the Communist government is overthrown.

The radio said property included homes, bank accounts and companies taken under State protection or seized unlawfully during their owners’. Absence.

Some five million Afghan refugees, nearly one third of the country’s population, have fled ‘to neighboring Iran and’ Pakistan since the guerrilla war broke out.

Article extracted from this publication >>  March 27, 1987