PATIALA: A Punjab District and Sessions Judge on Feb. 6 allowed Indian test star Navjot Singh Sidhu, accused of culpable homicide in the death of a person in December, to accompany the Indian cricket squad touring the West Indies from Feb. 26 to May 10. Judge Amarbir Singh Gill. However, directed Sidhu to furnish a surety bond of Rs. 50,000 ($3,570).
Sidu’s application for the tour was moved in court on Feb 1 after confirmation of the ad interim bails of Sidhu and his friends, Rupinder Singh Sandhu, co ac-used in the case registered against them in the death of a landlord, Gurnam Singh on December 27.
Sidhu, through his counsel pledged that he would appear before the court of the investigating officer after his return from the tour.
Article extracted from this publication >> February 17, 1989