MOSCOW: The Soviet hockey players have been disqualified for shoplifting videocassettes and clothes while abroad to play in matches, Soviet media reported on Thursday.

The Communist Party daily Pravda called the players behavior shameful and ‘Said it was inexcusable.

The Soviet hockey federation’s ruling body, the Presidium, recommended that the ten players be disqualified from playing for 18 months, and the state sports committee is to take a final decision on Monday, Tass reported Soviets are allowed to convert only a small amount of their currency, the Ruble, into foreign currency and are exposed to many items during their travels that are in short supply at home and can fetch huge sums with home on the black market Videocassettes, for instance are sold on the Soviet black market for more than 10 times the price for which they can be bought in the West.

Article extracted from this publication >>  February 17, 1989