JAGDEEP SINGH BASRAN of Princeville, Sask., Canada, son of Mr. Gurbachan Singh Basran and Baldev Kaur Basran, graduated with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering with top distinction from the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask., at the spring convocation held in May, 1987. He received the University and various other scholarships for each year he has been in the University. This year, he was

awarded the 198788 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada postgraduate scholarship. This award is made on the basis of scholastic achievement, potential research ability and outstanding intellectual qualities. He also received the University of Ottawa scholarship. Jagdeep will be attending the University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, to do his Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering.

Article extracted from this publication >>  July 3, 1987