LONDON: The Marxist faction of the Indian Communists is trying to export its anti Khalistan struggle to Britain. Politbureau member Harkrishan Singh Surjit is their special emissary assigned this task.

Mr. Sujit visited Britain last month under the pretext of attending the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the Indian Workers Society, but spent most of his time prompting the leftist organisations to unite “in confrontation against the Sikhs seeking to liberate Khalistan from the Indian stranglehold.”

To hoodwink the leftists’ opinion about the sanctity of the people’s right to self-determination; he blamed the “forces of imperialism” obviously meaning Britain and her allies for inspiring and sponsoring the Sikh struggle for freedom.

Significantly, he remained silent about the injustices and atrocities of the Indian fascists that forced the Sikh nation to say goodbye to India and seek sovereignty for their homeland. Nor did he say a word about how the ruling Congress party reneged on the Sikhs after achieving independence from British Raj with their help the promises of autonomy, but for which the Sikhs would have followed the example of the Muslim league and sought their separate homeland instead of supporting the Congress quest for a united India. (The Communist Party of India, incidentally, had supported the Muslim League’s stand.)

Had he said all this, his audiences would have seen through his Marxist mask and recognised him as an agent of the Fascist regime of India.

Had he refrained from accusing “the imperialists,” his audience would have seen through the smokescreen and understood that he was trying to provoke them against the Sikh right of self-determination.

Article extracted from this publication >> September 16, 1988