New Delhi, Reuter — The Indian government today denied involvement in a bomb plot to assassinate Sri Lankan President Junius Jayewardene that threatened to disrupt secret talks between Sri Lankan officials and Tamil separate 1st  groups.

 In a move that reflected anxiety over the secret peace talks, sponsored by India and being held in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi sent foreign secretary Romesh Bhandari to assist in the negotiations.

Official sources in Delhi said Bhandari, who flew to the Bhutanese capital of Thimphu this morning, would attempt to narrow differences between the Tamil groups and Colombo.

The bomb plot and rejection by Tamil guerrillas of government peace moves threatened to disrupt the talks, which focus on charges of discrimination against Sri Lankas 2.5 million Tamils and demands by militants for a separate state.

Police in Colombo arrested two men assembling a timing device on two bombs which were to be planted near Jayewardenes office in a bid to assassinate the Sri Lankan leader.

Sri Lankan information Minister Nandatissa De Alwis told a Colombo news conference that Indian made gelignite had been used.





Article extracted from this publication >>  July 26, 1985