The authorities in Sri Lanka say they have foiled an attempt to assassinate President Jayewardene and blow up the Presidential offices in the Capital Co lombo, BBC reported.
A spokesman of the Defense Ministry said two Tamils were arrested near a van which was found to contain more than 260 pounds explosive bearing Indian marking.
The explosives were to go off at 9 a.m. (0830 PST) when President Jayewardene was normally expected to arrive.
Immediately after the arrest of the two Tamils and the discovery of the explosives President Jayewardene had a telephonic talk with the Indian Prime Minister Mr. Rajiv Gandhi, BBC said.
The arrested men said they belonged to a Tamil guerilla group called the Eelam evolutionary organization of students (EROS).
It is one of the five guerilla groups represented at current peace talks in Bhutan.
An Indian Government spokesman in Delhi denied Indian involvement in the plot to assassinate President Jayewardene. He said India had always opposed terrorism and said Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi said a few days ago that it was ready to cooperate with any country to counter terrorism.
Meanwhile, at the Thimphu talks another session had taken place in private. But reports say the Tamils in Madras have rejected a new Sri Lanka plan for autonomy in parts of the island.
Article extracted from this publication >> July 26, 1985