WASHINGTON, April 2,(Reuter): A key congressional committee today approved proposal that would cut 1988 development aid to India to protest what was called India’s consistent anti US. Position in the United Nations and its close ties to the Soviet Union.

The House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee voted to reduce the aid to 35 million dollars from 50 million dollars, but retained Reagan’s request for 93 million dollars in food aid.

The actions came during committee review of 1988 foreign assistance programs for countries around the world. After the committee completes its work later this month, the bill will go to the full house for approval.

Committee members supporting the aid cut for India said the action was designed to send a message to New Delhi that Washington was upset with its record in the United Nations and its continued close relations with Moscow.

“India is beginning to walk down a path that is not in the interest of either country”, said Representative William Broomfield, a Michigan Republican who sponsored the proposal.

But Representative Stephen Solarz, a New York democrat who heads the Asian affairs subcommittee, warned it would harm USS. Efforts to improve ties with India, the World’s largest democracy.

Solarz told Reuters the move could threaten the proposed 50milliondollar sale to India of a U.S. supercomputer. That coupled with a huge aid package planned for India’s rival, Pakistan, would “exacerbate whatever anti Americanism already exists”, he said.





Article extracted from this publication >>  April 10, 1987