WASHINGTON: The W.S.0 sponsored a meeting of the general assembly on June 6-7 at the “Int Sikh Sect.in Washington D.C.

After the meeting participants were graciously invited to attend services at Guru Nanak Foundation in Maryland and Gurdwara of Sikh Foundation in Virginia where they were asked to address the Sangat.

Past International president S.Gian Singh Sandhu Ramraghbir Singh Chahal persistent of WSO “Canada and others delegates from Canada attended at Gurdwara of Sikh Foundation in Virginia and newly elected president S.Didar Singh Bains along with his compatriots Gurcharan Singh Dhillon president W.S.O. USA Dr.Gurinder Singh. Grewal chief editor W.S.N. S.Gumam Singh Pamma and Dr.Gurmit Singh Aulakh attended G.N-F. Maryland. Amrit Kaur spoke to the Sangat reading a short biography of Guru Arjun Dev Ji. Bibi Karnail Kaur Deol explained to the gathering the progress of the Gurdwara’s expansion and appealed for funds S.Didar S.Bains on behalf of the W.S.O. donated $1000 to the Gurdwara S.Sandhu addressing the Maryland Gurdwara made a Special point that Sikhs in America should identify themselves as American rather than Indian.

Article extracted from this publication >> June 19, 1992