Sri Guru Harkrishan Charitable Eye Hospital was inaugurated on April 2, 1995, this is a state of the art eye hospital sponsored by the Association of Sikh Professionals. The Association of Sikh Professionals has Played a significant and important role in sending state of the art equipment to examine and manage the patients with eye diseases, The trustees Of this hospital are very much indebted to the Association of Sikh Professionals for sponsoring this project and improving the quality of ye care in Northern India, This will also open a channel for poor and low come people to get the latest treatment for their eye problems. Approximately 20,000 to 25,000 people attended the inauguration of this hospital. The inauguration commenced with Kinan by Manjit Singh, Hazoori Raji Jatha of Darbar Sahib. Others who attended included head Granthi of Darbar Sahib and Jathedar of Akal Thakat, Professor Manjit Singh, Singh Sahib Professor Manjit Singh acclaimed the services of the Association of Sikh Professionals and the Sikhs of the United States for providing this facility. He said, “Let Sat Guru bless the people welcome for the treatment, a gift of sight, so that they can see Sat Gury through this sight”,
At the present time there are 3 ophthalmologists working in the hospital. A retina vitreous specialist will join in September 1995, This hospital will have 2 operating rooms, 2 exam rooms, 2 laser and procedure rooms, and several other small investigation rooms, They have the facility to have 14 beds in the first phase of the hospital. Presently there are seeing 7010 80 patients per day and were starting outpatient and inpatient surgery from July 1995.
The second phase of this project will start within the next year, This will have the facility to expand the ophthalmic subspecialties in to come a and anterior segment, external eye diseases, pediatric ophthalmology, neuro-ophthalmology, orbit and plastic, retinavitreous and macular diseases, general ophthalmology, and ophthalmic pathology. This facility will have 100,000 square feet of space with 184 beds and 4 operating rooms, We hope to get this facility approved for a school of optometry and to get this facility affiliated with a U.S.A, university for a school of optometry, We have a good response from several U.S.A, universities for formal affiliation and residency training in India. The construction cost of the second phase will be approximately Rs7 crore. The trustees are looking forward to donations of $3,000.00 per room. Those who are interested can contact it Singh or any member ‘of the Association of Sikh Professionals. This is a worthwhile, charitable Contribution for treatment of the eye diseases to all the residents living in Northern India, Your contribution can give sight to a poor and needy person.
Article extracted from this publication >> August 4, 1995