(Given below is the correct sketch of Dr. Harbans Singh Sraon. A different sketch was printed in the L.A. Supplement. Error is regretted.)
DR: HARBANS SINGH SRAON completed MSc. degree from P.A.U. during Green Revolution Era and taught genetics to undergraduate classes in Punjab. He joined University of London, England, as research fellow. He received doctorate from South Dakota State University in 1974. After teaching for a couple of years, he accepted a position as director of research and then got promoted to president ship of Novo Medical Corporation. He has written numerous scientific papers and books. He served as president of Kiwanis International Armed attack on the Golden Temple deeply perturbed him. After Sikh massacre in 1984, he sent aid to Sikh victims in refugee camps through Salvation Army. He helped in building several Gurdwara. He has written extensively, explaining the Sikh point of view.
He appeared on Radio talk shows and T.V. programs. He has speaking engagements almost every week, to give Sikh perspectives to civic, political, social, business, and academic groups. He joined Interfaith Council. He worked with Amnesty International and other religious and prepared a video “Plight of the Sikhs to expose inhuman acts of Indian ruling party. Due to his input, Los Angeles Times gave a story spread over three pages and portrayed the Sikhs as “faithful, peaceful, hardworking, and law abiding citizens”.
He initiated along with Sikh Sangat, langar for the homeless and jobless people in Los Angeles area. Press has reported Sikhs as “caring community”. Currently he is President of Guru Nanak Sikh Temple of Buena Park and teaching Punjabi and Gurbani to the Sikh youth. He goes out of the way to help people in employment and business. His appeal to fellow Sikhs is “With sewa (selfless service) and Simran (meditating on God’s name) let us overcome egoism and mergel with Sikh Panth and work as cohesive force for the glory of Panth to serve mankind”.
Article extracted from this publication >> April 1, 1988