Washington D.C.: On Aug.8,1993, Guru Gobind Singh Foundation held a special diwan to pay homage to Bhagat a true Sikh in letter and spirit who spent his entire life in the service of the invalids and destitute. With assistance of metropolitan Sikh community, food was served to 1200 homeless and destitute people living in the nation’s capital. Dr.Rajwant Singh, secretary of G.G.S.F. said, “This has provided us with an opportunity to make a gesture of good will towards other fellow Americans and let them know that the Sikhs care and share.” In 1992 the GGSF had initiated a drive to get nomination for Bhagat Puran Singh for the Nobel Prize and recommendations of many eminent lawmakers and academia’s from U.S.A, U.K. and Canada procured but the sad demise of the Saint resulted in the dampening of further efforts,
Bhagat Puran Singh was a true Sikh who translated Sikh teachings of Love and Service into a credo of action.
Article extracted from this publication >> October 29, 1993