“Nearly two thirds of the crimes in the USA go unreported,” said Justice Department. A report released by the Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics reveals that victims of car thefts are more likely to report than rapes or other types of assaults, It also shows that only 35 percent of some 37.1 million crimes in 1983 were reported to the law enforcement authorities,

The statistics are of major concern to the law enforcement agencies. The report is likely to encourage the federal law enforcement department for upgrading and improving the quality of crime statistics compiled and reported by FBI.

“Analysis of the statistics obtained by the Census Bureau’s 1983 survey of almost 60,000 randomly selected families show that:

* Only 48 percent of some 6 million violent crimes such as rape, robbery and assault were reported 10 police.

* Completed crimes are more likely to be reported than attempted crimes.

* The proportion of crimes reported to police increases as the value of property theft or damage goes up.

* Women and blacks are more likely than white men to tell police they were victims of violent crimes.

*Teen agers and undereducated people are less likely to report crimes.

Article extracted from this publication >> January 17, 1986