Sikh blood is what I like
It is potent to my delight
It tangs the Hindu spirit with might
I know the pundit is right
Ma! told me he was the man with the light
Follow him my son and you will be alight
She was a Goddess with an insight
Sikh blood is what I like I
It is potent to my delight.
I am having the fun of my life
But I have not lost my sight
Sikhs must be tortured, slaughtered and burnt alive
Hindu nation can then only rise
Tam a Hindu who is bright
Let their stooges inflict a bite
The name of the game is Divide
Sikh blood is what I like
It is potent to my delight.
I know the Sikhs are brave and will put up a fight
But I can save my hide with the military might
They will never have a chance for a fair fight
As I can hide behind my mobster knights
Sikhs can ask for all their rights
But I have my deaf ear to their side
Sikh blood is what I like
It is potent to my delight.
Oh! Barnala, Buta, Zail
You are the stooges of the Sikh pride
Your looks I do not like
But I will keep you on my side
As I can fool the world to my surprise
How Sikhs are elevated to the height
You will also treat my palate night
Sikh blood is what I like
It is potent to my delight.
Hindu wisdom has reached its height
Who gives a damn about the minorities’ plight
To destroy the Minorities is a Hindu birthright
I will teach a lesson which will summarize
Minorities in India have no right
Wait till my true color comes to light
World will then know about the Hindu might
Sikh blood is what I like
It is potent to my delight.
Article extracted from this publication >> February 13, 1987