LODI CA: Freshman Congress man John Doolittle was the guest of Dr. Jasbir S. Gill and his wife Dr. Parm Gill at an event held Saturday at their lovely home in Lodi. The fundraising was well attended by the local Sikh community who offered their support for Doolittle’s re-election.
Speaking at the event was Gurcham S.hillon president of the W.S.0. Dr.Gurender S.Grewal editor-in-chief of WSN Didar S.Bains chairman of W.S.N and Narinder S.Somal Secretary of W.S.N. All of the Speakers noted their appreciation for Doolittle’s support of the Sikhs his attention to the problems of the Punjab and his continued hard work for his district.
Dr. J.S.Gill introduced the Congressmen and the speakers who were well received. The main emphasis was on Human Rights. Noting that in the Punjab execution disappearances and imprisonment were the rule of the day Dhillon commented on the disappointment and dissatisfaction the Sikhs feel toward the U.S. State Dept. Since the U.S. govt. often takes such a strong stand on Human Rights abuses their silence about the Punjab is very disturbing.
Another issue that has angered American Sikhs nationwide is the case of Ranjit S.Gill and Sukhminder S.Sandhu two young boys held in a maximum security prison in New York. The two who were falsely accused of participation in the assassination of General Vaidya of the Indian army have been held by the U.S. since 1987. After their original trial in which they were acquitted they were subsequently charged by the Indian govt. with other crimes and have been jailed ever since fighting extradition to India. Their case languishes while the state dept. refuses to get involved.
Dhillon noting his support for the congressman commented that he was unhappy about term limit legislation because a representative needs time to learn of the problems and positions of his or her constituents. It also seemed to him that much of U.S. Govt’s problems were due to political appointees who were not elected representatives and therefore feel lite or no loyalty to the public.
Dr.Grewal reiterated that the Punjab problem and the two men jailed in New York were among his concerns. He also spoke on the frustration he felt about U.S. taxpayer money being used for foreign aid especially in the case of USS aid to India.
He noted that school programs in his own town of Tracy had been curtailed or totally discontinued yet the U.S. govt. sent money to India to support its’ system. Saying that Human Rights took a back seat to market forces he appreciated Doolittle’s stand and wished to advise him of specific cases that deserved attention.
One example of State Dept. neglect was of Surjeet Atwal. At issue was the case of a Tracy man whose brother-in-law died and whose family was initially denied visas Because of the corrupt Indian officials working in New Delhi Punjabis are routinely denied visas. Doolittle intervened and finally the wife was allowed a visa although the children were still denied.
Dhillon and Dr.Grewal also asked the congressman to investigate the issue of the State Dept.’s closing down of the Khalistan Radio Broadcast. This seems to be a violation of both U.S. guaranteed freedom of speech and freedom of religion when will the ban be lifted?
Doolittle stated his sympathy for Sikhs who were frustrated and disappointed with the State Dept. A bill has been introduced to stop aid to Indix. But he said not much may change until 1996. He asked that the community maintain its strong support and continue in their efforts to involve others.
He said (the) “support of the Indian govt. against Sikhs is a great tragedy” and he promised to take the issue to the door of the White House He also spoke of some of the problems at home Saying that he believed most of the problems were economic in nature he stated his support of a tax break for families with children The breakdown of the family and the growth of violent crime is due to the need for both parents to work leaving no time for anyone to care for their children. The economic situation has contributed to many ills including the breakdown of the black family and does not seem to be abating. Doolittle commented that local businessman feel that California’s economic ills will continue because of taxes and restrictive regulations.
Doolittle offered his appreciation for Sikh support. He said that big changes were coming since 100 or more new members of congress would be elected in the next election. Saying that Sikhs needed to united and let their reps know of their concerns he told the audience to write letters to their reps and to the president to gain support for the citizens of the Punjab.
He told the assembled audience that big changes lay ahead for the G.O.P (republicans) and that 1996 would be a watershed year in American politics.
Dr.Parm Gill presented the book on the Sikh Holocaust to Doolittle and thanked him for his attention to this matter.
N.S.Somal thanked Doolittle for his support and stated that “He is a man of high principals doing a good job supporting Sikh causes.”
D.S.Bains also offered his appreciation for the work of Doolittle through his congressional office and pledged his support and that of the Sikh community.
Article extracted from this publication >> May 1, 1992